Privacy Policy

for Revisions & Rådgivningsgruppen hereafter referred to as the “RR Gruppen”.

Data Responsibility

We take your data protection seriously.


We process personal data and have therefore decided this privacy policy that tells you how we process your data.


Contact info

Company Rr Gruppen is the data controller and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation.


Contact info:

Contact person: Vibeke Hundevad

Address: Gl. Ringstedvej 61, 4300 Holbæk

CVR: 33 77 11 77

Phone number.: 72 30 13 10




We ensure fair and transparent data processing

When we ask you for your personal data, we inform you of what data we process about you and for what purpose.

You will receive information about this at the time of collection of your personal data.


Processing of personal data

We use this type of data about you 

We use data about you to improve our service and ensure quality in our products and services as well as in ours contact with you.

The data we use includes:

– Ordinary personal data

– Social Security number

– Sensitive data 


We collect and store your personal data for specific purposes

 We collect and store your data for certain purposes or other legitimate business purposes.It happens when we need to: 

– Processing your purchase and delivery of our service

– Fulfilling your request for products or services

– Customizing our communication and marketing to you

– Adapting affiliate communication and marketing to you

– Managing your relationship with us

– Compliance with legal requirements

We only process relevant personal data

We will only process data about you that is relevant and adequate in relation to the purposes defined above.

The purpose is crucial to what type of data about you is relevant to us.

The same applies to the extent of the personal data we use. For example, we do not use more data than the ones we need for the specific purpose.

We only process necessary personal data

We only collect, process and store the personal data necessary to fulfill our stated purpose.

In addition, the type of data needed to be collected and stored may be determined by law.

The type and extent of the personal data we process may also be necessary to fulfilla contract or other legal obligation.

We verify and update your personal data

We verify that the personal data we process about you is not inaccurate or misleading. We also make sure to update your personal data on an ongoing basis.

As our service is dependent on your data being accurate and up-to-date, we ask you to notify us of any relevant changes to your data.

You can use the contact information above to notify us of your changes. 

We delete your personal data when they are no longer needed

We delete your personal data when it is no longer needed for the purpose that was the reason for our collection, processing and storage of your data. 


We obtain your consent before processing your personal data

We obtain your consent before processing your personal data for the purposes described above, unless we have a legal basis for obtaining it. 

We inform you of such a basis and of our legitimate interest in processing your personal data.Your consent is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us. Use the contact information above for more information.

We will not disclose your personal data without your consent

If we disclose your personal data to partners and actors, including for marketing purposes, we obtain your consent and inform you of what your data will be used for.

You can object to this form of disclosure at any time, and you may also decline you for marketing purposes in the CPR register.

We do not obtain your consent if we are legally required to disclose your personal data, for example as part of reporting to an authority. 


We protect your personal data and have internal information security rules 

We have decided internal information security rules that contain instructions and measures to protect your personal data from being destroyed, lost or altered, from unauthorized disclosure, and from unauthorized access or access to it.

Use of cookies 

Cookies, purpose and relevance

If we place cookies, you will be informed of the use and purpose of collecting data via cookies.

We obtain your consent

Before we place cookies on your equipment, we ask for your consent. However, necessary cookies to ensure functionality and settings can be used without your consent.

You can find more information on our website about our use of cookies and how to delete or reject them. If you wish to revoke your consent, please refer to our cookie policy guide

Your rights

You have the right to access your personal data

You have the right at any time to know what data we process about you, where they originate from and what we use them for. You can also find out how long we keep your personal data and who receives data about you to that extent we pass on data in Denmark and abroad. 

If you request, we may inform you of the data we process about you. However, access may be restricted for the privacy of other persons, for trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

You make use of your rights by contacting us. You will find our contact information at the top.

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data deleted or corrected.

If you believe that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected. You must contact us and inform us of the inaccuracies and how they can be corrected.

In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This applies, for example, if you withdraw your consent. 

If you believe that your data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we obtained it, you may request that it be deleted.

You may also contact us if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of law or other legal obligations. 

When you make a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we investigate whether the conditions are met and, if so, we make the changes or deletions as soon as possible.

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. 

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. You may also object to our disclosure of your data for marketing purposes

You can use the contact information at the top to submit an objection.

If your objection is justified, we will end processing your personal data.